


    (Bucharest, May 26, 2010)

    OPCOM starts greenhouse gas Emissions Certificates Trading Platform (ECTP) on June 1st

    Through the Minister of Economy, Trade and Business Environment order No.941/19.05.2010 was aproved the Regulation of organisation and operation of the greenhouse gas Emissions Certificates Trading Platform (ECTP) in SC OPCOM SA. The regulation represents the result of cooperation between the representatives of SC OPCOM SA and Economy, Trade and Business Environment Ministry, the Quality Infrastructure and Environment Division and Energy, Oil and Gas General Division, towards delivery of transparent and equidistant framework for greenhouse gas emissions certificates trading.

    SC OPCOM SA, the electricity market operator is organising and administering the centralised markets dedicated to the transparent electricity trading for delivery on time horisons from day ahead to long term which can surpass one year, depending on market participants needs. Meanwhile, OPCOM is the green certificates market operator, by administering the green certificates register and the Centralised Green Certificates Market.

    The strategic program of the European Union defined through the „Climate-Energy” legal package (6 April 2009) set up a connection point between targets of environment and sustainable energy development, one of the reasons being that emissions certificates as well as green certificates trading is organised by platforms either of electricity marketplaces or initialy organised by these marketplaces.

    Regulation of organisation and operation of the greenhouse gas Emissions Certificates Trading Platform, approved by the Economy, Trade and Business Environment Minister order creates the framework of auction sessions, both public auction like and through electronic web-trade platform for continuous trading, for each offer proposed by participants registered to the greenhouse gas Emissions Certificates Trading (ECTP) to buy or sell certificates.

    First mechanism developed according to the regulation will be the public auction like and will be launched on June 1st . Subsequently to the auction sessions bilateral contracts will be concluded according to contract clauses proposed by initiator together with the offer.

    This simple mechanism is intended to be a first leverage either to secure the required number of certificates or to attract financing sources for the NAP operators.

    In order to finalise the trading rules as well as the characteristics of the standard products which will be further developed OPCOM organises the technical group for emissions certificates trading. First meeting of the group will be held on May 28 th , 2010.

    Starting with the same date the stakeholders will be allowed to apply for registration to the greenhouse gas Emissions Certificates Trading Platform (ECTP) according to the provisions of the regulation of organisation and operation, operational procedure and participation convention which will be published on the OPCOM web-site.

    PRESS RELEASE 26.05.2010

    For more information, contact please S.C. OPCOM S.A.
    Lucian Palade, director Development of Products & Trades Division,
    telephone +4 021 3071 454
    fax +4 021 3071 400

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