


    (Bucharest, 07 June 2011)

    1 bil. EUR - the total amount of payment orders issued by OPCOM during July 2008 - June 2011
    Today, 35 months after the reference moment July 1, 2008, when OPCOM assumed the role of counterparty for DAM transactions, the total value of payment orders issued by OPCOM to the sellers on the Day Ahead Market, including VAT, exceeds the significant threshold of 1 billion EUR, crowning of successfully carrying out the responsibilities arising from the process of establishing the quantities, respectively the rights of collection/payment obligations on the Day Ahead Market.
    Since July 2008, the settlement of transactions on the Day Ahead Market begin a new phase, evolving from the bilateral settlement to the central settlement, a system that is based on the counterpart role of OPCOM, a role through which each participant has only one partner (OPCOM) in the settlement of transactions instead of all other participants on the Day Ahead Market. The financial flow is carried out under the direct debit bank instrument and payment orders electronically issued.
    Among the advantages of the role of counterparty implemented in July 2008, we mention:

    • Ensuring payments within 2 banking days from the transactions;
    • Reducing the arrears in the energy sector by guarantee mechanism implemented;
    • Increasing the confidence of participants in trading for the next day as a result of anonymous transactions and ensured payments.

    PRESS RELEASE 07.06.2011

    For more information, contact please S.C. OPCOM S.A.
    Victor IONESCU, CEO,
    telephone +4 021 3071 450
    fax +4 021 3071 400

    Opcom Anunţuri