(Bucharest, October 31th 2011)
The month starts with trading record values on Day Ahead Market
Having as a background the high interest for trading, expressed by the number of the 71 participants who were active in the market for delivery on November 1, 2011, record values were recorded for:
- The daily traded volume, 34,576.416 MWh, the highest value of this year and the second highest value recorded since launching (July 2005);
- The average daily traded volume, 1,440.684 MWh/h, the highest value of the current year;
- The hourly traded volume (15th hourly interval), 1,695.733 MWh/h, a historical maximum in an ad-hoc ranking of the highest values recorded since launching;
- Value of transactions, 8,617,013.73 Lei (1,996,990.44 EUR), a new absolute record, exceeding the previous maximum value recorded for delivery on October 27, 2011.
PRESS RELEASE 31.10.2011 
For more information, contact please S.C. OPCOM S.A. Victor IONESCU, CEO, telephone +4 021 3071 450 fax +4 021 3071 400 |