

  • Press Release (Bucharest, January 8, 2013)

    2013 begins with absolute records of trading in the Day-Ahead Market

    In conditions of an intensive participation of the companies registered in the Day-Ahead market, reflected by the presence in the market, in each day of 2013, of over 90 companies, the following absolute records in trading were set:
    - For the delivery day 1st of January: 95 companies were active in DAM, representing the maximum share of interest expressed by participants since the launch of the new short term trading mechanisms in 2005. This record was supported by another maximum, set for 3rd of January, when a number of 94 participants from the 137 companies registered in the market concluded trades with delivery in the following day.
    - The numerical intensification of the participation was reflected in the increasing trend of the traded volumes, the days of 7th and 8th of January being marked by subsequent absolute records at the level of the trades. Thus:

    • 7th of January: an hourly average of 1,680.554 MWh/h, respectively a daily volume of 40,333 MWh;
    • 8th of January: an hourly average of 1,907.495 MWh/h, respectively a daily volume of 45,780 MWh representing a share of 27.5 % from the domestic consumption of Romania.

    The participants’ interest for short term trading, expressed by the participation degree and the volumes traded in the first days of the year are supporting the functionality and credibility of the product aimed to facilitate the setting of the reference price for electricity term trading.

    Cumulative, the trades concluded in DAM and the deliveries on the term markets in January are covering a percentage of around 45% from the electricity consumption estimated for the first month of 2013.

    Press Release 08.01.2013

    For more information, please contact S.C. OPCOM S.A.
    Victor IONESCU, CEO,
    phone +4 021 3071 450
    fax +4 021 3071 400

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