


    (Bucharest, October 2nd, 2013)

    45 new entries in OPCOM market places during September 2013, LJG GREEN SOURCE ENERGY ALPHA (CMBC), MONST ENERGY (CMBC), RESIDENT SOLAR (CMBC), SUNFIELDS NORD (DAM), CONARG REAL ESTATE (DAM), D&P ELECTRONIC SERVICE (DAM), ENERGY FOND ROEST (CMBC), SELGROS CASH & CARRY (CMBC), BETA ENERGIE REGENERABILA (DAM), BC SOLAR INVESTMENT (CMBC), SEB ENERGY (GCM), SOLAR POWER CEHU (GCM), GREEN COMCRIS INVEST (GCM), ALPINA BAZNA (CMBC, GCM), AGROTRUST (CMBC), GLOBNET-YU (CMBC), VERBUND TRADING ROMANIA (IDM), KDF ENERGY (IDM), A ENERGY IND (DAM), AROTWOPOWER (CMBC, GCM), GREEN TEHNIC (GCM), GREEN LIGHT SOLUTIONS (CMBC), BLUE LINE VALEA NUCARILOR (CMBC), TOTAL ELECTRIC (CMBC), SOLEK PROJECT TXI (CMBC, GCM), DANUBIUS POWER (CMBC), FOMCO SOLAR SYSTEMS (CMBC), SOLEK PROJECT KAPPA (GCM), SOLEK PROJECT KHI (GCM), TOMIS TEAM (IDM), OVIDIU DEVELOPMENT (IDM), IRUM (CMBC), SUN PARTNERS (CMBC, GCM), Alpiq RomIndustries (IDM), HORIA GREEN (GCM), PIRAMIDA SOARELUI (GCM), RADU IOAN LIVIU PERSOANA FIZICA AUTORIZATA (GCM), VERTIS ENERGY (GCM), AGENTIA NATIONALA DE IMBUNATATIRI FUNCIARE (GCM), Holzindustrie Schweighofer (CMBC), BELECTRIC ENERGY TRADING (IDM, CMBC), BALKAN PHOTO ENERGIA (CMBC), OMV PETROM GAS (CMNG), ELECTRICA (IDM) and PV ENERGY (CMBC). At the end of September, 202 participants were registered in spot market, 77 were enrolled in the Intraday Market, and 292 companies were listed in the Trading registry of Centralized Market for Electricity Bilateral Contracts. Green Certificates Market had 414 registered participants at September 30, while 12 companies were listed as registered participants to the Trading Platform for Emission Certificates (TPEC). At the end of September, a company was listed as registered participant to the Centralized Market for Natural Gas.

    PRESS RELEASE 02.10.2013

    For more information, contact please S.C. OPCOM S.A.
    Victor IONESCU, CEO,
    telephone +4 021 3071 450
    fax +4 021 3071 400

    Opcom Anunţuri