


    OPCOM selects Trayport®’s GlobalVision Exchange Trading SystemSM

    London, 9 January 2014 Trayport, a leading provider of energy trading solutions to traders, brokers and exchanges worldwide, and OPCOM (the Romanian Power Exchange) today announced that an agreement has been signed for OPCOM to use Trayport systems for the new Romanian electricity market.
    OPCOM will launch a centralised electricity market for bilateral contracts with continuous negotiation. The market will be used for trading physical electricity forwards contracts for multiple standard delivery periods. Trayport’s Exchange Trading Solution (ETS) will be modified to meet the requirements of the new market. The system to be implemented by OPCOM is a hybrid of the OTC and Exchange market models.

    Trayport’s ETS is a market leading, real-time matching engine and front end trading system designed specifically to enable commodity exchanges to host electronic marketplaces. The extensive flexibility of the system provides exchanges with a single solution for price dissemination, order and deal management and matching of any energy commodity globally.

    OPCOM (Operatorul Pietei de Energie Electrica si de Gaze Naturale SA) is the licensed Romanian Power Exchange. OPCOM administers centralised markets for electricity and natural gas based on the Electricity and Natural Gas Law and in accordance with the trading rules and regulation approved by ANRE (the Romanian National Regulatory Authority in the Energy field). These cover the wholesale spot and on term markets for physically delivered electricity and natural gas. This new market has been based on the works deployed within a Technical Working Group organised together with the market participants and interested parties including the civil society and energy filed investors including the Property Fund

    A spokesperson at OPCOM said, ‘OPCOM’s opinion is that the launch of the new market is an important point in the development of energy trading in Romania. Trayport has significant experience in providing solutions for operating energy trading marketplaces. OPCOM wanted to capitalise on this experience and ensure it chose a provider who could also meet the requirements for a bespoke solution in accordance with the applicable regulations. The new platform aims to bring together all the participants in electricity trading from Romania and also the wider region and OPCOM hope it will deliver the long term benefits already experienced in other markets.

    Kevin Heffron, Chief Operating Officer at Trayport said, ‘We are pleased that OPCOM has chosen Trayport as its exchange trading solutions partner. OPCOM recognised our commitment to supporting its current and future business needs and we are confident our solution will support the goal of enhancing trading liquidity. OPCOM is an important addition to our trading network and we look forward to working towards a successful implementation.’
    Sorin Albeanu, Business Development Manager at Trayport added, ‘The new system will allow traders to trade prices in real time, with improved risk management as trades will happen only between companies that have been approved on a non-discriminatory basis by their in-house risk departments. In addition OPCOM will be using the system through a Software as a Service (SaaS) delivery model with the many benefits this brings including a reduction in both the total cost of ownership and deployment timelines.’

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    For more information please contact:
    On behalf of Trayport Ltd
    Julia Streets
    Sybille Mueller
    Streets Consulting
    Tel: +44 (0)20 7959 2235

    On behalf of OPCOM SA
    Victor Ionescu, Chief Executive Officer
    Rodica Popa, Program Director
    Tel: +40 (0)21 3071 450

    About Trayport Limited
    Trayport is a leading provider of energy trading solutions to traders, brokers and exchanges worldwide. It develops, deploys and supports quality, resilient software for trading in multiple asset classes worldwide in cleared or OTC markets. Trayport’s GlobalVisionSM software is used by the world’s largest trading companies in high profile markets that include derivative and cash instruments. Founded in 1993, Trayport has offices in London, New York and Singapore. Trayport is a subsidiary of GFI Group Inc. (NYSE: GFIG). More information is available at www.trayport.com

    About OPCOM SA
    The Romanian Power Market Operator - Opcom SA was established in 2000 as a joint stock company. The responsibilities derive from its role as organizer and administrator of the centralized electricity markets and settlement operator in the wholesale electricity market according to in force ANRE regulations and Conditions of the License No. 407. Main activities deployed by Opcom are: spot trading of the electricity in the day-ahead market (DAM) and intraday market (IDM); term contracting through the centralized market for electricity bilateral contracts (CMBC and CMBC-CN); environmental certificates trading on the green certificates market as well as on the trading platform for greenhouse gases emission certificates; settlement of the transactions concluded on Day-Ahead Market, Intraday Market and Centralized Green Certificates Market; settlement of the electricity transactions concluded on the Balancing Market organized by CNTEE Transelectrica SA and the Imbalances of the Balancing Responsible Parties; market surveillance and reporting to ANRE; providing relevant information to market participants, mass-media and general public. Starting 2013 OPCOM implemented the gas market in Romania based on the Conditions of the License No. 1798
    Additional information is available on www.opcom.ro.

    Forward-looking statement

    Certain matters discussed in this press release contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. When used in this press release, the words "anticipate," "believe," "estimate," "may," "might," "intend," "expect" and similar expressions identify such forward-looking statements. Actual results, performance or achievements could differ materially from those contemplated, expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements contained herein. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the expectations of Trayport Limited and GFI Group Inc. (collectively, the “Company”) and are subject to a number of risks and uncertainties. These include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties associated with: economic, political and market factors affecting trading volumes, securities prices or demand for the Company’s brokerage services; competition from current and new competitors; the Company’s ability to attract and retain key personnel, including highly-qualified brokerage personnel; the Company’s ability to identify and develop new products and markets; changes in laws and regulations governing the Company’s business and operations or permissible activities; the Company’s ability to manage its international operations; financial difficulties experienced by the Company’s customers or key participants in the markets in which the Company focuses its brokerage services; the Company’s ability to keep up with technological changes; uncertainties relating to litigation and the Company’s ability to assess and integrate acquisition prospects. Further information about factors that could affect the Company’s financial and other results is included in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The Company does not undertake to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

    PRESS RELEASE 9.1.2014

    Opcom Anunţuri