


    (Bucharest, February 27, 2014)

    Centralized market with double continuous negotiation of the electricity bilateral contracts – finalization of the training sessions

    During the period 25.02 – 26.02.2014 took place at the OPCOM headquarter the training sessions for the trading system going to service the functioning of the Centralized market with double continuous negotiation of the electricity bilateral contracts.
    The training sessions were organized with the support of Trayport representatives, the company that will provide the related services for trading system running.
    To the six training sessions a number of 70 companies acting in the energy filed, designated participants, the number of the participants reaching a total 110.
    Further a test environment will put at the disposal by Trayport and the market participants will be able to access this test environment based on an application submitted to OPCOM who will provide the needed information for the test environment accessing.
    Finalisation of the training period is proving favourable premises for a successful market launching.
    The products that would be traded on each working day are standard products for physical delivery of the electricity for base, peak and off-peak, for delivery periods of one day, weekend, week, month, quarter, semester and year. Trades are concluded only with eligible counterparties decided by each participant.
    Participation in the market is based on the Agreement for the Centralized market with double continuous negotiation of the electricity bilateral contracts advised through ANRE Advice No. 15/05.02.2014. Participation at the daily trading session is allowed only for the market participants that are submitting to OPCOM the eligibility lists with the contractual partners with which they are interested to conclude trades. The eligibility lists are filled separately for sell and buy, for each product. For granting of the trading right the eligibility list have to contain a minimum number of 4 (four) eligible partners with credit limits for trading different than zero.

    PRESS RELEASE 27.2.2014

    For more information, contact please OPCOM S.A.
    Victor IONESCU, CEO,
    telephone +4 021 3071 450
    fax +4 021 3071 400

    Opcom Anunţuri