

  • PRESS RELEASE 01.11/2006

    Romanian Power Exchange: Transactions on the Spot Market exceeded one million euros perday

    (Bucharest, 1st November, 2006) The Romanian Spot Market registered on the first day of November trade values of 1.028.971 euro.

    Following the ascending course of the last months, October registered new records for the Day Ahead Market trades. So, the whole traded volume (461,352 MWh), the hourly average traded volume (619.264 MWh/h), the average value of the MarketClosing Price (53.88 euro/MWh ), whole transactions value (24,424,575 euro ) and the Market quota of 10,4%, are representing record month values for the entire operating period.

    The ascending trend is also maintained in November: starting with it’s first day, a new maximum value of the daily traded volumes, of 1.028.971,92 euro was registered.

    In the operating period of 16 months, the Day Ahead Market registered a total volume of trades of 4,999,566 MWh, these trades worth of 205,608,021 euro. This volume is representing a quota of 7.24% of Romania’s forecasted net consumption. During this period, an average of 41 participants traded daily on DAM, the maximum number of participants on the Spot Market being of 52.

    PRESS RELEASE 01.11.2006

    For more information, please contact S.C. OPCOM S.A.

    Victor Ionescu , CEO, telephone (+40 21) 3071 450

    Opcom Anunţuri