

  • © ICIS HEREN - Hidroelectrica sells ERUs from upgrades
    Romania`s Hidroelectrica has raised just over €6m of emission reduction units (ERUs) from the upgrade of several production facilities, the company said in a statement on Monday (17th December).
    The state producer was expecting to cash in a first tranche of €2.92m from the sale of ERUs to the Dutch firm NL Energy & Climate Change on Monday. Another €1.41m is due to be transferred by the Dutch firm to the Romanian producer later this month, Hidroelectrica said.
    The ERUs were raised following upgrade works at the Iron Gates I and II hydro power generation units over the 2008-2011 period. The works included the increase of the installed capacity of Iron Gates I to 1,167MW from 1,050MW and of Iron Gates II to 251MW from 242.4MW.
    Hidroelectrica managed to raise another €1.73m of ERUs from separate upgrade works carried out at other production facilities in the country over the 2009-2012 period.
    (THE ICIS HEREN REPORTS - EDCM 7244 / 17 December 2012)

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