

  • © ICIS HEREN - EU to audit Bulgaria`s troubled power sector

    The European Commission will help Bulgaria audit its strained electricity sector, the country`s interim energy minister Asen Vasilev announced on Tuesday (2nd April).
    Experts from the Commission`s energy and competition directorates will work together with Bulgarian energy specialists to find the best way to liberalise the Bulgarian electricity market without affecting end-user tariffs.
    Vasilev said the government will strive for the most socially responsible way for market liberalisation.
    Concrete deadlines are yet to be announced.
    Vasilev dismissed speculations about a possible electricity system crash in Bulgaria.
    Last week he proposed seven measures to be implemented immediately in a bid to stabilise Bulgaria`s power sector (see EDEM 26 March 2013).
    The grid operator, ESO, has been struggling with the system balancing because of oversupply, low exports as well as increased renewable electricity production.
    Vasilev also said that state-owned utility NEK was unlikely to go bankrupt despite the company`s financial difficulties over the past few years.
    However, big managerial changes are expected in the state-owned Bulgarian Energy Holding soon.
    When the interim government came into power last month it vowed to initiate energy sector changes and improve transparency (see EDEM 14 March 2013).

    (THE ICIS HEREN REPORTS - EDEM 17063 / 2 April 2013)

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