

  • © ICIS HEREN – Bulgarian export tariff stays flat until 1 August - regulator

    The Bulgarian electricity export tariff will remain unchanged at €4.08/MWh until 1 August, following a decision by the energy regulator EWRC published late on Monday (29th June) to extend the country’s electricity sector’s regulatory period by another month.
    Initial proposals by EWRC suggested an 11% increase of the tariff from 1 July (see EDEM 1 June 2015).
    The government also started discussions on a potentially much bigger increase if an additional fee of up to Bulgarian Lev (Lv) 40.21/MWh (€22.65/MWh) is also added to it (see EDEM 18 June 2015).
    Traders have maintained the view that a significant increase in the tariff would mean lower sales by local power producers and more transit of power from cheaper Romania and Serbia via Bulgaria to Turkey and Greece.
    The regulatory period runs from 1 July until 30 June the follow year. Every year at the end of June EWRC publishes changes to the electricity prices on the regulated market as well as other tariffs in the Bulgarian electricity sector such as the fees comprising the export tariff to come into force from the new regulatory period.
    However, on Monday EWRC said that it would take another month before it makes an official decision on tariff changes, as it is waiting for the government to submit data about optimising system expenses which could potentially affect EWRC’s initial proposals.
    (Source: © ICIS HEREN - THE ICIS HEREN REPORTS - EDEM 19123 / 29 June 2015; www.heren.com)

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