

  • © ICIS HEREN - Romania wind production to increase 900% by 2013
    Romania’s wind production is expected to increase go from less than 500MW to more than 4GW in the next two years, according to the Romanian Wind Energy Association, RWEA. Last year Romania had an installed capacity of 468MW, but the figure is set to surge to just over 4GW, turning the country into one of Europe’s main producers of renewable energy. The total would be greater than Denmark’s current installed capacity, which is the highest capacity per capita in Europe. This year the country is expected to bring online 704MW of wind generation capacity with a further 2.843GW to follow over the next two years. Most of the projects are located in the Black Sea region of Dobrogea in southeast Romania. (THE ICIS HEREN REPORTS - EDEM 15026 / 8 February 2011)

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