

  • © ICIS HEREN - Turkey-EU interconnection switches to second phase
    Turkey`s connection with Greece and Bulgaria has moved into its second phase, clearing the way for the launch of commercial flows between the three countries. Non-commercial reversible flows will start from Monday (21st February) and are expected to last for two weeks, the European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) said on Thursday (17th February). The second phase will take place over the next two weeks and the evaluation of the results is expected to be concluded in mid-March. Provided the outcome of the evaluation is satisfactory, ENTSO-E will decide on 3 May whether the parallel trial interconnection can pass into a third phase. During this final stage, there will be limited capacity allocation for commercial electricity exchanges between Turkey and the European synchronous area. The commercial exchange tests will last 11 months. The Turkish power system synchronised with the European member states on 18 September 2010, marking the start of the trial interconnection as agreed between TEIAS, the Turkish grid operator and ENTSO-E. Once the commercial flows become functional, Turkey will launch cross-border auctions with neighbouring Bulgaria and Greece under the umbrella of the European Central Allocation Office. Traders will be able to place their bids in daily, monthly and yearly auctions and the capacity will be allocated under the NTC (Net Transfer Capacities) system, which is currently used by all European countries. (THE ICIS HEREN REPORTS - EDEM 15033 / 17 February 2011)

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