

  • Date
    10-04-06 ©THE HEREN REPORTS - OPCOM trades 5.1 TWh on �07 spot
    Romanian power market operator OPCOM traded 5.1 TWh of electricity via its Day-ahead market in 2007, bringing the total volume traded since the launch of the market (on 30th July 2005) to 10.9 TWh, OPCOM said on Friday (11th January).
    10-04-06 ©THE HEREN REPORTS - Swiss Atel acquires Romanian power trader Buzmann Industries
    Swiss Atel has acquired Romanian electricity trader Buzmann Industries, with a view to strengthening its position in southeastern Europe, it was announced on Wednesday (19th December).
    10-04-06 ©THE HEREN REPORTS - Czech CEZ to supply power to Greece
    Czech utility CEZ has signed a one-week contract to supply electricity to Greece, marking its entrance into the market, CEZ said on Monday (8th October).
    10-04-06 ©THE HEREN REPORTS - UkrEnergo forms JV with Hungarian Emfesz for supplies to Romania, Balkans
    The Ukrainian antimonopoly office has permitted national power utility UkrEnergo to form a consortium with Hungarian electricity and natural gas supplier Emfesz in order to restore 750 Kw electricity line connecting a South-Ukrainian nuclear power plant with Isakca in Romania and Varna in Bulgaria, newswires reported on Friday (5th October).
    10-04-06 ©THE HEREN REPORTS - German EEX and French Powernext in merger talks � report
    Germany’s EEX energy exchange and France’s Powernext are currently negotiating a merger, German magazine Wirtschaftswoche said on its website citing well-informed circles close to the talks.
    10-04-06 ©THE HEREN REPORTS - ETSO new generation adequacy report
    A new generation adequacy report by ETSO (European Transmission System Operators) has highlighted a number of European regions as potentially lacking sufficient capacity to meet their needs in the coming years.
    10-04-06 ©THE HEREN REPORTS - Romanian TSO to launch feasibility study for 600 MW Turkey interconnector
    Romanian electricity grid operator Transelectrica and Nuclearelectrica, the state-owned operator of nuclear power plant Cernavoda, will split 50% of costs for a EUR 1,5 million feasibility study for construction of a 600 MW subsea cable connecting Romania with Turkey, a Transelectrica spokesman confirmed Thursday (13th September).
    Romanian state-owned power utility Termoelectrica has short-listed six companies – Electrabel, Enel, CEZ GdF, AES Corporation and Edison – in a tender for a strategic partner in the modernisation and expansion of a 535 MW coal-fired power plant in Galati, Termoelectrica said on Tuesday (4th September).
    10-04-06 ©THE HEREN REPORTS - Czech CEZ shortlisted to bid for Romanian Galati power plant upgrade
    Czech power incumbent CEZ has been shortlisted in a tender for a strategic partner in the modernization of a 535 MW coal-fired power plant and construction of a new one in Galati, Romania, the company said on Tuesday (21st August).
    10-04-06 ©THE HEREN REPORTS - Potential investors vie to construct Romanian Cernavoda units 3 and 4
    Twelve potential investors have expressed interest in building the third and fourth units of Romania’s Cernavoda nuclear power plant and binding bids are expected by 25th October, the Romanian Finance and Economy Ministry said on Monday (6th August).
    10-04-06 ©THE HEREN REPORTS - Romania�s Opcom ups H1 2007 trading volumes by 16% year-on-year
    Romanian Day-ahead exchange Opcom has increased its traded volume by 16% year-on-year, to 2.25 TWh for the first six month of 2007 compared with the same period in 2006. This is equivalent to 8.55% of consumption, almost 1.3 percentage points above the figure a year ago.
    10-04-06 ©THE HEREN REPORTS - CEZ bids to modernize Romanian Galati coal-fired plant
    Czech power incumbent CEZ has submitted a bid to modernize and potentially expand a 535 MW coal-fired power plant in Galati, Romania, the company said in a statement on Thursday (28th June).
    10-04-06 ©THE HEREN REPORTS - Romania�s Petrom to enter power sector in 2010 with new CCGT
    Romanian oil incumbent Petrom announced on Monday (18th June) that it plans to build an 860 MW CCGT in Romania for the end of 2010. This will be the company’s first venture into the power market, and is expected to cost around EUR 500 million, including infrastructure investments.
    10-04-06 ©THE HEREN REPORTS - Italy�s Enel signs privatisation agreement for majority stake In EMS
    Italy’s power incumbent Enel signed the privatisation agreement on Monday (11th June) for its majority stake in Romanian electricity distributor Electrica Muntenia Sud (EMS), Enel announced. EMS was formerly owned by Electrica, a 100% subsidiary of
    10-04-06 ©THE HEREN REPORTS - Italy�s Enel to commit EUR 2 billion in Romania
    Italian incumbent Enel plans to invest an additional EUR 2 billion in the Romanian distribution sector over the next 15 years, according to a statement from the company today (30th May).

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