

  •  OPCOM: 2015-en

    6 May 2015

    Bucharest, Pullman Hotel, “Beijing si Viena” Hall

    OPCOM participation at the debate "Energy efficiency policies in European countries ", organized by the Press Group MediaUno, at Pullman Hotel, “Beijing si Viena” Hall, on May 6, 2015.

    OPCOM was invited as a speaker.


    12 May 2015

    Bucharest, Crowne Plaza Hotel

    OPCOM participation at the fourth annual edition of the Gala of Excellence Awards in Energy “Romanian Energy Awards 2015“, organized by "The Diplomat-Bucharest” review, at Crowne Plaza Hotel, on May 12, 2015.

    The 20 categories of Excellence Awards in Energy recognized the outstanding success of companies and managers in specific projects and business areas, as well as overall involvement in the development of the country's business climate.

    In this context, the "Energy Manager of the Year" was designated Mr. Victor Ionescu, General Director of OPCOM and the "Electricity Project of the Year" was designated The Czech-Slovak-Hungarian-Romanian Day ahead Electricity Market Coupling, successfully launched on November 19, 2014 (ANRE, OPCOM, Transelectrica).

    9 June 2015

    Bucharest, Palace of the Parliament, Human Rights Hall

    OPCOM participation at the Forum “Energy efficiency - fundamental priority for Romania”, organized by Intact Media Group, at the Palace of the Parliament, Human Rights Hall, on June 9, 2015.
    On behalf OPCOM participated to the event Mr. Victor Ionescu – General Director,  having the status of key note speaker.

    » Event Program ...

    20 August 2015

    Bucharest, ISPE, Martin Bercovici Amphitheater

    OPCOM participation at the Workshop “VLER vision on Romania's Energy Strategy”, organized by VLER Program (Future Energy Leaders of Romania) within RNC-WEC, at ISPE, Martin Bercovici Amphitheater, on August 20, 2015.
    The workshop had in view the idea of launching the initiative of young people from VLER to be actively involved in the achievement of the "National Energy Strategy for the period 2015-2035".The event was attended by approximately 100 participants, representatives of prestigious companies and public and private firms, academics, members, associates and partners RNC-WEC.After this workshop, VLER members drafted "VLER Declaration", which was promoted in the economic and political environment and in mass-media.

    On behalf OPCOM participated to the event representatives from Term and Certificates Trades Division and from Energy Trades and Settlement Division.

    10 September 2015

    Bucharest, Electrica SA, Radu Zane Hall

    OPCOM participation at the IIIrd edition of “ENERGY PLUGGED IN” Conference, which took place in the organization of BURSA Press Group with the support of Regulatory Authority for Energy, on September 10, 2015, in Bucharest at Electrica Headquarter, Radu Zane Hall, starting with 9:30 hours.

    OPCOM was invited as a speaker.

    5-6 October 2015

    Bucharest, Palace of the Parliament

    OPCOM participation at the 14th Energy Investment and Regulation Conference, organized by Energy Regulators Regional Association - ERRA, the host being Regulatory Authority for Energy - ANRE, at the Palace of the Parliament, between October 5-6, 2015.

    The Conference major issues were as follows:

    • Status of the Energy Industry in Romania
    • Lessons Learned During the Liberalisation Process
    • Current Developments in the Natural Gas Market
    • Energy Law and Energy Finance.
    OPCOM was invited as a speaker.

    » Conference Programme ...

    15-16 October 2015

    Poiana Brasov

    OPCOM participation at the event “4M Market Coupling – 1st Year of Trust, Success and Cooperation”, which took place in the organization of Transelectrica SA, at Poiana Brasov, between 15-16 October, 2015.

    OPCOM was invited as a speaker.

    » Event Agenda ...

    30 October 2015

    Bucharest, Palace of the Parliament – Services and Industries Commission in Deputy Chamber

    OPCOM participation at "The electricity markets coupling - present and prospects for Romania in the single European energy market" Conference, organized by Energy-Center, at the Palace of the Parliament - Services and Industries Commission in Deputy Chamber, on October 30, 2015.

    OPCOM was invited as co-organizer.

    » Conference Agenda ...

    10 November 2015

    Bucharest, JW Marriott Grand Hotel

    OPCOM participation to the Conference having the theme "How far we are from the European single energy market?” organized by AFEER, on November 10, 2015, at JW Marriott Grand Hotel in Bucharest.

    OPCOM was invited as a speaker.

    25 November 2015

    Bucharest, Hilton Hotel, Enescu Hall

    POPCOM participation to the launch and debate of the report "Romanian gas market interconnection: what kind of pipelines we do and when?", organized by Expert Forum, on  November 25, 2015, at Hilton Hotel, Enescu Hall III, 1st floor.

    The event was attended by ANRE, Ministry of Energy, Transgaz, OPCOM, Delegation of the European Commission, IMF, EBRD, Petrom, Exxon, EON, traders, experts and analysts of the gas market.

    3 December 2015

    Bucharest, National Library of Romania, Atrium Hall

    OPCOM participation to the event “energynomics Awards Evolution 2015”, organized by the publisher Wing Media Energy Consulting, on December 3, 2015, 
    at National Library of Romania, Atrium Hall.

    For the third year consecutively, the communication platform energynomics.ro awarded the most meritorious companies, projects and personalities in the Romanian energy industry.

    The award for the Executive of the Year, one of the nine awards categories, was granted this year to Mr. Victor Ionescu, general manager OPCOM, for coordinating the activity of organization and administration of the gas and electricity markets, the projects and development directions of OPCOM, for integration into the single European energy market.