

  •  OPCOM: istoric 2009 en

    25, 26 november 2009

    Athens, Greece
    OPCOM participates to the meeting of the 15th Athens Forum.

    » Conference conclusions...

    » Presentations...

    12 november 2009

    Bucharest, JW Marriott Grand Hotel
    OPCOM participates to the 12th edition of CEI Summit Economic Forum (SEF) 2009, an event organized by the CEI Presidency-in-Exercise held this year by Romania. SEF 2009 was organised by Ministry of Economy, Ministry of a fost organizat de Ministerul Economiei, National Agency for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises and Co-operatives and the Central European Initiative. At the event have participate the 18 member states representatives from the governments, business environment, international financial institutes - The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, World Bank, European Investment Bank, International Monetary Fund, and international organizations - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, World Trade Organization and European Commission. SEF 2009 was organized on nine working sessions with the following themes: energy security, energy efficiency and climate changes, international financing programs, promoting the Romania's advantages, small and medium sized enterprises and competitivity in industry, commerce, global financial situation » Conference info...

    12 november 2009

    Bucharest, Politechnic University
    The fourth edition of Energy and Environment International Conference CIEM 2010 was organized by Politechnic University of Bucharest and Romanian National Committee of the World Energy Council. OPCOM was invited in the opening session with the paper „Trading and regional co-operation. The power exchange, a service provider” » Conference Presentation...

    11 november 2009

    Bucharest, Chamber for Trade and Industry
    Due to the good relationship, OPCOM was invited to participate to the seminar organized by Association of Electricity Suppliers in Romania AFEER in the benefit of the Romanian traders, mainly.

    02 - 04 november 2009

    Bucharest, Athenee Palace Hilton Hotel
    OPCOM participated to the fourth edition of Energy in Central and Eastern Europe Conference, organized by FORUM INVEST Fundation, supported by the Parliament of Romania and with the cooperation of World Energy Council. The event partners were: Ministry of Economy, Ministry of Environment, TRANSELECTRICA SA, ELECTRICA SA, ENEL ROMANIA, ABB, CEZ ROMANIA, PETROM, ROMPETROL, ROMGAZ, GAZ DE FRANCE, leasing and investment funds, auditors, energy (electricity, oil, gas, coal, renewables) authorities, EIB, EBRD, advocacy societies a.s.o. » Conference Presentation ...

    29 october 2009

    Bucharest, ELECTRICA, "Radu Zane" Hall

    OPCOM, partner of event,participated to the Conference "POWER SISTEMS INTERCONECTIVITY. ROLE OF TECHNOLOGIES". CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING THE FUTURE INTER-CONNECTIONS, organized by Romanian National Committee of the World Energy Council, CN TRANSELECTRICA SA, ELECTRICA SA and Chamber for Trade and Industry, with the support of the Ministry of Education, Research and Youth - ANCS. » Conference Presentations...

    22-23 october 2009

    Czech Republic, Prague, Marriott Hotel
    Supported by the Czech Ministry of Industry and Trade and by the Romanian Ministry of Economy, the proceedings of the 5th Emerging Energy Summit organized by IBP Conferences were held in Prague, 22-23 October 2009. » Conference presentations...

    30 september - 02 october 2009

    Bucharest, JW Marriott Grand Hotel
    OPCOM participated to the Black Sea Energy and Economic Forum (BSEEF), organized by the Atlantic Council of the United States, with the support of the Romanian Ministry of Economy and Ministry of Foreign Affairs. » Conference presentations...

    12 - 18 september 2009

    Ankara, Turkey
    Turkey has ambitious plans regarding the modernization of its power market. By the end of its reforming program, the power market will operate similarly to the EU markets (including Romania). The day-ahead market will play a major role. Taking into consideration the support of the World Bank during 2004 – 2008 for the centralized power markets administered by OPCOM and the results of this co-operation, the WB has organized an OPCOM – TEI A.S. intercommunity. OPCOM reprezentatives have prezented the Romanian model and the centralized power markets performance.

    3 September 2009

    Bucharest, Chamber of Commerce,
    OPCOM and WEC Romanian National Committee co-organized the Conference "The Role of future market rules within the third EU legislative package approval context"

    July 2009

    Joint participation OPCOM - Ministry of Economy representatives to the workgroup organized by Departament for European Affairs regarding Romania response to „Technical aspects of emission certificates trading” discussion paper.

    29 June - 03 July 2009

    Training Mercurious: „Futures, Carbon Trading, Options & Risk Management” for OPCOM staff.

    6 – 7 April 2009

    Warsaw, Poland
    OPCOM delegation participate to the 8th Annual Confererence “Energy Investment and Regulation Conference" organized by The Energy Regulators Regional Association (ERRA).

    26, 27 february 2009

    Bucharest, Hotel Sofitel
    Invited by EastEuro Link - a leader in organizing strategic events on the emerging markets from East, South-East and Central Europe - OPCOM has participated to SEE ENERGY 2009 Conference – „Gaining knowledge into the rapidly developing SEE Energy market”. » Conference Prezentation...