

  •  OPCOM: istoric 2000 en

    August 2000

    Establishment of the commercial company OPCOM S.A., the Operator of the Romanian power market, as subsidiary with legal personality of C.N. Transelectrica S.A.


    September 2000


    Launch of the electricity market in Romania, administered by OPCOM S.A.


    December 2000


    Sign up, with the companies British Energy Plc and NNC Ltd. (United Kingdom) of a technical assistance contract for personnel training and formulation of proposals for OPCOM internal procedures.
    December 2000
    Sign up of a technical assistance contract with a consortium formed by Red Electrica de Espagna and IDOM (Spain) financed through a grant provided by the European Commission within the PHARE 1998 Programme, for the design of the IT system dedicated to the administration of the physical power market and the institutional building of the Market Operator.
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