

  • Last updated: 30.12.2014, the last day of provisions application of the ANRE Order no. 6/2011. Starting with 01.01.2015 the provisions of the ANRE Order no. 78/2014 are applied, the statistics corresponding to the results established by this current trading mechanism can be viewed here

    Details regarding trades concluded on CMBC operational until December 31st, 2014 according ANRE Order no 6/2011 *)

    Statistici PCCB-NC 2015
    Statistici PCCB-NC 2014
    Statistici PCCB-NC 2013
    Statistici PCCB-NC 2012
    Statistici PCCB-NC 2011
    Statistici PCCB-NC 2010
    Statistici PCCB-NC 2009
    Statistici PCCB-NC 2008
    Statistici PCCB-NC 2007

    *) specific indices details can be found here
    * for each item, to calculate the average price in euros, the exchange rate leu/euro taken into consideration is the one published by the National Bank of Romania in the day corresponding to the latest trades included