

  • Program Monday - Thursday Friday
    Initiating offers receiving 08:00–15:00 08:00–12:00
    Limit hours for auction sessions’ start 09:00–17:00 *) 09:00–14:00 *)

    The auction sessions’ date and time will set up by OPCOM complying with the minimum publication period of 5 working days, by taking into consideration the auction sessions already announced and the initiating offers already submitted for which the publication process is ongoing.
    The due date and time for sending to OPCOM the responding offers are the ones mentioned in the Auction Announcements published together with the initiating offers.
    *) If the number of initiating offers is significant, OPCOM reserves the right to extend the limit hours for auction sessions’ start.

  • The program for receiving of the initiating offers is completed by the provisions of art. 7.1.2 from the Procedure regarding the functioning of the centralized market for bilateral contract for green certificates and the administration of the green certificates bilateral contracts market, ANRE Advice No. 12/06.04.2016.
  • The auction sessions’ date and time will set up by OPCOM complying with the minimum publication period of 5 working days, by taking into consideration the auction sessions already announced and the initiating offers already submitted for which the publication process is ongoing.
  • The due date and time for sending to OPCOM the responding offers are the ones mentioned in the Auction Announcements published together with the initiating offers.
  • The responding offers that are proposing the same price as the initiating offer can be sent by e-mail, to the address pcbcv@opcom.ro with the subject ”Ofertă de răspuns/Responding offer”.
  • The consitions applied for registration of the responding offers are the ones mentioned at art. 7.3.6 from the Procedure regarding the functioning of the centralized market for bilateral contract for green certificates and the administration of the green certificates bilateral contracts market, ANRE Advice No. 12/06.04.2016.
  • The responding offers sent by e-mail does not to be sent in sealed envelope.
    *) If the number of initiating offers is significant, OPCOM reserves the right to extend the limit hours for auction sessions’ start.
  • ______

    Trough OUG no 24/30.03.2017 and ANRE’s ORDER No. 26/31.03.2017 were approved the new limit-values for green certificates trading and for the value of a notpurchased certicate respectively:
    * Minimum value: 132,0295 lei/CV (29,4 euro/GC);
    **Maximum value: 157,1780 lei/CV (35 euro/GC).

    Documents available in Romanian only

    Trading for: (mm/dd/yyyy)   


    There is no data available for 09/03/2025.