

    Centralized Market for Electricity Bilateral Contracts – Flexible Extended Auctions Mechanism (CMBC-EA-flex)


    Inconsistent Offers

    No. Bidder Position [initiator/co-initiator/respondent] Code for Published/Unpublished Auction Session Submission Date Reason
    12 respondent VBLD_240325_01 2025-03-21 the offer was received after the time specified in the auction's announcement (21.03.2024, 12:00)
    11 respondent VBLD_210325_09 2025-03-20 using both signs "." (point) and "," (comma) as the decimal separator
    10 respondent VBLD_120325_02 2025-03-11 1.the response offer format does not correspond with art. from CMBC-EA-flex Procedure;
    2.the quantity in the responding offer doesn't correspond to the quantity in the initiating offer, noncompliance of art. 7.6.4. let. c) of CMBC-EA-flex Procedure
    9 respondent VBLD_120325_02 2025-03-10 using both signs "." (point) and "," (comma) as the decimal separator
    8 respondent VBLD_120325_01 2025-03-11 1.the response offer format does not correspond with art. from CMBC-EA-flex Procedure;
    2.the quantity in the responding offer doesn't correspond to the quantity in the initiating offer, noncompliance of art. 7.6.4. let. c) of CMBC-EA-flex Procedure
    7 respondent VBLD_120325_01 2025-03-10 using both signs "." (point) and "," (comma) as the decimal separator
    6 initiator unpublished 2025-02-20 the starting delivery date does not correspond with art. let. b) from CMBC-EA-flex Procedure
    5 respondent VBLD_100225_04 2025-02-07 auction's identification code is not correct
    4 respondent VBLD_100225_03 2025-02-07 auction's identification code is not correct
    3 respondent VBLD_050225_12 2025-02-04 using both signs "." (point) and "," (comma) as the decimal separator
    2 initiator unpublished 2025-01-21 the starting delivery date does not correspond with art. let. b) from CMBC-EA-flex Procedure
    1 initiator unpublished 2025-01-21 the starting delivery date does not correspond with art. let. b) from CMBC-EA-flex Procedure