

  •  OPCOM: PCE-ESRE-CV Oferte neconforme ENG
    Inconsistent offers
    No. Offer Type Code for Published/ Unpublished Auction Session Submission Date Reason
    52 initiating unpublished 18.02.2020 The offer does not comply with the provisions of Art. 5 letter g) of the Regulation concerning the functioning of the Centralized market for electricity from renewable energy sources supported by green certificates and the provisions of Art. 2. letter a) of the Law No. 220/2008 for establishing the system to promote the production of energy from renewable energy sources
    51 initiating unpublished 18.02.2020 The offer does not comply with the provisions of Art. 5 letter g) of the Regulation concerning the functioning of the Centralized market for electricity from renewable energy sources supported by green certificates and the provisions of Art. 2. letter a) of the Law No. 220/2008 for establishing the system to promote the production of energy from renewable energy sources
    50 initiating unpublished 18.02.2020  the quantity mentioned in Annex no. 2 does not  correspond to the characteristics of the initiating offer
    49 initiating unpublished 18.02.2020 The offer does not comply with the provisions of Art. 5 letter g) of the Regulation concerning the functioning of the Centralized market for electricity from renewable energy sources supported by green certificates and the provisions of Art. 2. letter a) of the Law No. 220/2008 for establishing the system to promote the production of energy from renewable energy sources
    48 initiating unpublished 18.02.2020 The offer does not comply with the provisions of Art. 5 letter g) of the Regulation concerning the functioning of the Centralized market for electricity from renewable energy sources supported by green certificates and the provisions of Art. 2. letter a) of the Law No. 220/2008 for establishing the system to promote the production of energy from renewable energy sources
    47 initiating unpublished 17.02.2019 Non-correlation of the terms and conditions in Annex 2 with the provisions specified in Annex 5 regarding the delivery/ billing of the green certificates
    46 initiating unpublished 17.02.2019 Non-correlation of the terms and conditions in Annex 2 with the provisions specified in Annex 5 regarding the delivery/ billing of the green certificates
    45 initiating unpublished 17.02.2019 The delivery period does not correspond with art. from CME-RES-GC Procedure
    44 initiating unpublished 17.02.2019 Starting delivery date does not correspond with art. and art.7.4.5 from CME-RES-GC Procedure
    43 respondent ESRE-CV-VV_170220_01 17.10.2019 auction's identification code is not correct
    42 initiating unpublished 14.02.2019 Annex 7 from the framework contract as mentioned in Art. 7.4.1. from CME-RES-GC Procedure is missing;
    41 initiating unpublished 14.02.2019 Annex 7 from the framework contract as mentioned in Art. 7.4.1. from CME-RES-GC Procedure is missing;
    40 initiating unpublished 14.02.2019 Annex 7 from the framework contract as mentioned in Art. 7.4.1. from CME-RES-GC Procedure is missing;
    39 co-initiator unpublished 11.02.2019 The offer was received after the time specified in the auction's announcement (10.02.2020, 15:00)
    38 respondent ESRE-CV-CV_110220_02 11.02.2020 Using both signs "." (point) and "," (comma) as the decimal separator
    37 respondent ESRE-CV-CV_110220_01 11.02.2020 Using both signs "." (point) and "," (comma) as the decimal separator
    36 initiating unpublished 04.02.2020 The number of hours and the quantity does not correspond to the profile, the hourly power and the delivery period specified
    35 initiating unpublished 31.01.2020 Non-correlation of the terms and conditions in Annex 2 with the provisions specified in Annex 5 regarding the delivery/ billing of the green certificates
    34 respondent ESRE-CV-CV1_280120_01 27.01.2020 Auction's identification code is not correct
    33 initiating unpublished 10.01.2020 The number of hours and the quantity does not correspond to the profile, the hourly power and the delivery period specified
    32 initiating unpublished 09.01.2020 The information for the chosen profile presented in the initiating offer and Annex 2 to the framework contract are incomplete
    31 respondent ESRE-CV-CB_021219_01 29.11.2019 Using both signs "." (point) and "," (comma) as the decimal separator
    30 initiating unpublished 22.11.2019 Non-correlation of the terms and conditions in Annex 2 with the provisions specified in Annex 5 regarding the delivery/ billing of the green certificates
    29 initiating unpublished 22.11.2019 1. The initiating offer does not correspond with Art. from CME-RES-GC Procedure;
    2. The initiating offer format does not correspond with Art. 7.4.1. from CME-RES-GC Procedure.
    28 initiating unpublished 04.11.2019 The number of hours and the quantity does not correspond to the profile, the hourly power and the delivery period specified
    27 initiating unpublished 04.11.2019 The number of GC specified in Annex 2 does not correspond with the number of GC specified in the initiating offer
    26 initiating unpublished 29.10.2019 Non-correlation of the terms and conditions in Annex 2 with the provisions specified in Annex 5 regarding the delivery/ billing of the green certificates
    25 initiating unpublished 29.10.2019 1. The number of hours and the quantity does not correspond to the profile, the hourly power and the delivery period specified;
    2. Non-correlation of the terms and conditions in Annex 2 with the provisions specified in Annex 5 regarding the delivery/ billing of the green certificates
    24 initiating unpublished 28.10.2019 Starting delivery date does not correspond with art. and art.7.4.5 from CME-RES-GC Procedure
    23 initiating unpublished 23.10.2019 1. Annexes 2, 3 and 4 from the framework contract mentioned in Art. 7.4.1. from CME-RES-GC Procedure are missing;
    2. Annexes 5, 6 and 7 from the contract are not anonymised according to Art. 7.2.2. CME-RES-GC Procedure;
    3. Annex 7 does not comply with the provisions of Art. 15 of the Regulation
    22 initiating unpublished 18.10.2019 The number of hours and the quantity does not correspond to the profile, the hourly power and the delivery period specified;
    21 initiating unpublished 18.10.2019 The number of hours and the quantity does not correspond to the profile, the hourly power and the delivery period specified;
    20 initiating unpublished 18.10.2019 The GC delivery period specified in Annex 2 art. 4 is wrong
    19 initiating unpublished 17.10.2019 The initiating offer format does not correspond with art. 7.4.1. from CME-RES-GC Procedure
    18 initiating unpublished 17.10.2019 Non-correlation of the terms and conditions in Annex 2 with the provisions specified in Annex 5 regarding the delivery/ billing of the green certificates
    17 initiating unpublished 17.10.2019 Non-correlation of the terms and conditions in Annex 2 with the provisions specified in Annex 5 regarding the delivery/ billing of the green certificates
    16 initiating unpublished 17.10.2019 Non-correlation of the terms and conditions in Annex 2 with the provisions specified in Annex 5 regarding the delivery/ billing of the green certificates
    15 initiating unpublished 17.10.2019 Non-correlation of the terms and conditions in Annex 2 with the provisions specified in Annex 5 regarding the delivery/ billing of the green certificates
    14 initiating unpublished 17.10.2019 The CV number does not correspond to the amount of electricity and the associated CV number for 1 MWh
    13 respondent ESRE-CV-VV_141019_02 11.10.2019 Using both signs "." (point) and "," (comma) as the decimal separator
    12 respondent ESRE-CV-VV_141019_01 11.10.2019 Using both signs "." (point) and "," (comma) as the decimal separator
    11 initiating unpublished 11.10.2019 Non-correlation of the billing terms mentioned in Annex 5 with the contract's signature term according to Art. 7.6.25. from CME-RES-GC Procedure
    10 initiating unpublished 10.10.2019 Non-correlation of the terms and conditions in Annex 2 with the provisions specified in Annex 5 regarding the delivery/ billing of the green certificates
    9 initiating unpublished 07.10.2019 Non-correlation of the terms and conditions in Annex 2 with the provisions specified in Annex 5 regarding the delivery/ billing of the green certificates
    8 initiating unpublished 07.10.2019 The number of hours and the quantity does not correspond to the profile, the hourly power and the delivery period specified;
    7 initiating unpublished 04.10.2019 1. The GC delivery period isn't specified in Annex 2 art. 4
    2. The last finished trading sesion date on GCACSM is incorrect according to art. 7.6.23 from CME-RES-GC Procedure
    6 initiating unpublished 02.10.2019 The initiating offer does not have any specified quantity
    5 initiating unpublished 02.10.2019 1. The delivery period does not correspond with art. from CME-RES-GC Procedure
    2. Starting delivery date does not correspond with art. and art.7.4.5 from CME-RES-GC Procedure
    4 co-initiator unpublished 02.10.2019 The offer was received after the time specified in the auction's announcement (30.09.2019, 15:00)
    3 initiating unpublished 01.10.2019 Non-correlation of the terms in annexes 2 and 5
    2 initiating unpublished 25..09.2019 Not paying the invoice related to management component of the regulated tariff for CME-RES-GC
    1 initiating unpublished 16.09.2019 1. The number of hours does not correspond to the profile, the hourly power, the quantity and the delivery period specified;
    2. Annex 4 of the contract is not anonymised according to Art. 7.2.2. from CME-RES-GC Procedure